Q: What is dark art in your own words?
That’s a great question! As I say, to find the light we need to acknowledge and accept the darkness within. Pretending its not there, we only take steps backwards. I chose this path to help people understand that there’s nothing t be scared of. We see light when we open our eyes and as soon as we close them we see nothing… or everything that our sight fails to comprehend.
All I am trying to do is to wake people up to the truth that is the meaning of life.
I’m just creating my art based on the absence of love. For me, the meaning of life was always love. Dark art might seem to be all about hate and death but its made by people who felt such pain deep inside their hearts. I have tried to extract such message but creating single images and when I realized that people don’t get it, I started making a whole story hat connects every image. And then magic happened.
The story is about the environmental issues and every outcome that comes with such problem. Dark art for me is the only way to express what I keep hidden inside me. Its my way to vent and at the same time connect with other restless minds. Whats more beautiful than that?.. you see, I want to shock and get the world to see the human nature from a different perspective. Of course I have a long way ahead to make this happen because people wont read, they will just see the surface of this.
Q: Where do you want to take your audience with your work?
First of all, I want to make clear that my everything is connected in my story. It is important to me to make them see that this story is build, besides the main idea, on my followers. They help me a lot not only by supporting me but working with me as well. Many of them have worked with me as models and they became heroes in my story. Some even helped me by sharing their ideas on the story with me. Valuable information to know what people want to see more from you and another amazing thing is that because of my art, I met my wife, Revna, who not only plays an important role on my story but she also helps me writing the story from the beginning.
It is our goal to send a message about the environmental pollution… what it does and what it can do in a matter of time. That is why my story starts with kids wearing toxic masks and as it goes toxicity changes human DNA turning them into hunters and this is where it all begins. There are characters that represent the political system and how it imposes the military law separating the world based on class and income. To sum up, in my book I have no fear in showing how differently poor people and rich people get to be treated. In other words, I parallel human history with a potential future.
Every character has its own history which makes it easier for the readers to feel closer to them. Elina, for example. An exotic dancer who had to work on a strip club to make money and a client of hers tried to take advantage of her so she kills him. It wouldn’t need to come to this if society would work differently. Which reminds me that many of my followers ask me why don’t I make male assassins and I only make female ones and why all males are hunters. It is true that when I see the strong sex imposing, dominating exploiting, raping and using the ‘weak sex’ I cannot pretend I’m blind to it. We hear stories every day, stories full of violence and hate against females. What’s wrong with us, anyway? I’m looking for this answer by talking with my followers male and female audience. I don’t seem to understand yet. Now you get why hunters are always men.
We live in our own happy bubble and we act like we don’t care about people who live on the same road with us. We’ve lost touch with the world, nature and the self. My audience is fighting this battle side by side with us and we thank them for being them.

Q: Are you pessimistic by nature or is it just your way of making your point about the enviromental situation?
I couldn’t stand furthest from this. I believe that everything happens for a reason. It is not the planet’s survival that I worry about. Earth existed long before we arrived and it shall exist for much longer after we leave. Nature will always find the way to clean itself as history has showed us. Every catastrophe that takes place on this planet happens only to help mother nature to achieve balance once again. It is true that we too influence the process but only by forcing the end to come sooner than later. We need to learn how to evolve, to live differently, to love deeper otherwise human race has no hope of survival. Life is based on change. Standing still and acting the same as before wont make things better.
Q: What books, authors and movies do you prefer?
G enerally I enjoy reading books about self-improvement, biographies of people who changed the world using their mind, art and words and book with philosophical content. Lately I’m reading spiritual books which I find inspiring. As for my favorite authors, I must say Leo Buscaglia, Paulo Coelho, Jostein Gaarder and others.
Now, about movies I would say science fiction, post apocalyptic and animations that tend to make fun of our everyday life such as Simpsons, Futurama, South Park, Rick and Morty etc. To be honest, I don’t really have time to watch movies anymore.
Q: Which visual artists have influenced you the most?
I t all begun since I was 6 years old and my father asked me to watch a movie with him. It was no other than Roger Water’s movie ‘The Wall’. My father explained to me the symbols and the meanings behind the whole thing and as you can say, I was moved. Later on, I came across Derek Riggs, the Iron Maiden’s cover page artist. Of course I copied every cover I had on my hands when I was a teen. No wall in my room stayed clean, not even my ceiling.
But my two favorites of all times were and still are the amazing Luis Royo and the unique H.R. Giger. These two without even knowing it changed my world with their style and ideas, their art and the way they send their message to the world. I remember myself when younger saying that one day I’ll become like Giger.
Q: What music do you use for inspiration?
I am mostly into metal music, since I was raised in a Rock family, I love this music. But when I design I have a problem with metal… I start to sing which makes it impossible for me to concentrate on my designs! So, when its time to design, I light some candles, aromatic sticks and listen to Nordic music that relaxes me and boosts my imagination. It helps me enter in my personal trance, in my own world. My very own dark world.
Q: Do you think some kind of Apocalyptic future is near? How much time fo you give to life as we know it?
Apocalypse… the very meaning of this word refers to the action of revealing the truth. It is the reality that we are so scared of facing. I have many reasons to prepare the world for the inevitable change that’s coming. The world will end as we know it. May we use this opportunity to build something better next time.
In the first chapter of my book, I share this exact concern, how people ignore, laugh or simply doesn’t seem to care about the warning signs we see all over for decades now. Everyday life has changed and it keeps on changing. We have amazing technology in our hands that helps us to live longer and cheat death for a few more years, we made the world seem shorter as we can travel pretty much everywhere we wish to without spending years on the seas. We can talk to people far away from the place we live in, in every known place on earth. We managed to travel in space as well and lately we do it much easier than the years before.
Do we really enjoy life tho or do we just survive?
Instead of using technology to improve ourselves more spending more time to learn how to communicate with others and expand the knowledge we have to complete goals and tasks that will actually help our future, we go to work every day. Working on dreams that aren’t ours, or even close to ours. Working in order to survive. We spend hours in traffic, anxiety hits as well and all that for what? For having as much as we need to survive. And when we finally come back home, we feed our brains with tv garbage.
Our kids growing on auto pilot not being able to play as I remember myself play. Free and carefree in the streets without the slightest fear of someone grabbing us away from our family. We put masks on our children faces, hiding their smiles, loosing contact with their emotions and those of others. We taught them that life is better when you watch it in tv and we so brutally replaced conversations with YouTube videos that explain things to them. It is safer for our kids to stand behind a screen than play outside with other kids.
We lost the sense of teamwork with others and with nature itself once we accepted that it is only possible for us to see green when we are out of town. Our revolution happens behind his and quotes, smart little phrases that someone else said once upon a time. Then we relax… knowing that we did out part. What else can we do? We can’t change the world… we say and we believe it.
People stopped using their minds, stopped researching the informations they got from around. We just accept what others tell us. It Is easier this way. The truth is deeper and we stopped digging because we are tired. We are tired of trying to pretend to be something we are not. So we stopped trying to do anything that others may think as controversial, or different, or too much. Instead we stay where it feels safe. Every different way of thinking is doomed to stay silenced and hidden. We live in circles grabbing on every little happy moment we happened to witness to reassure ourselves that after all… we got our chance to smile a bit today. Is it truly the definition of living or just surviving? Or is it perhaps the way straight ahead to apocalyptic times?
Q: What are the aspects of modern technology that concern you the most?
I am more interested in bio-mechanical evolution in general, A.I. and the new war methods. For example humans evolve throughout centuries till they hit the peak where their civilization collapses time after time leaving enormous questions to the next humans who must start from nothing to create everything again. We created new Gods, found new ways to communicate, to teach, to hunt, to conquer. Many believe that we are in fact the most intelligent beings on earth and now I ask you… What if the most intelligent people among us decide that they need to make something that can easily reach their level of intelligence? And there you have it. A.I.. We used to hunt with sticks and bones and now we hold nuclear weapons on drones terrorising our enemies… and of course, as if history hasn’t tough us enough, we use it against others. We once were the brightest creatures on earth. And when we realised it, instead of using our abilities and knowledge to help our species, we took advantage of technology and now here we are talking about how our own creation can eventually terminate us.
I keep watching how technology takes part in our everyday life and how addicted we are to it and I cant stop wondering if we truly improve our life or we just let it pass by us. The fact that people live, talk and fall in love on social media, scares me. Who is to say that technology will not take part in our body and soul? What if we change fundamentally from outside to the inside… I created the Assassins referring to this specific question of mine. Elina keeps evolving loosing her humanity peace by peace, her true nature, her true self and becomes a restless soulless psychotic killing machine detached from any human remain. We have ways to cheat death for a few more years than normal but we still choose to use our knowledge to kill our own species. The army is the first place where we adapt every new technology and when it is no longer knew, the whole world has access to it. That’s exactly why I made my Director like this, shes using technology to create killing machines. A.I. has been always my top interest. Since the first time I heard of it, I keep in mind what a machine like that could do to us once it understands how humans work and the fact that we are unquestionably the very reason of destruction. I wonder how A.I. will end this suffering… by ending the situation and helping us as we all wish or by ending us?

Q: What adjectives describe you best as an artist?
W ell, dark artist… Let’s start from there. I must admit that describing myself can be tricky… you see, I consider myself as a human being who craves to understand human nature and what truly connects us to mother nature. When I only witness the exact opposite, it works as inspiration. Therefore I make my art centered to cyberpuck style. All we see around is people full of fear to commit to human relationships and I think its kind of funny how the same people react to my final pieces. How inhuman my models look to their eyes without them realizing that the model is actually my personal perspective on the couple I saw in the bus the other day. It was inhuman to me to witness them standing right next to each other without making a sound or saying a word. What is human and what is inhuman, truly?
If you ask me about my art then it is only fare for me to say that it belongs to futuristic dark bio-mechanical cyberpunk. Art is fluid and easy to take any type of form when the artist is ready to face personal fears and expressions. So, it is safe to say that my art is this exact thing. Fluid and full of my personality traits. That’s all really.
Q: Due to its explicit content, your work is aimed at an adult audience, how would you handle the same message and themes for children?
T hat’s officially my favorite question. Being a father of three daughters grands me the necessary experience to try and make it work with them as well. My daughters have seen my work since young age and I explained to them numerous times why I do what I do and what is the deeper meaning of all of it. Our conversations on such matters helped them not to be afraid of my art but instead they are my little helpers. In fact you should see my face when my oldest daughter asked me to put more blood on my model because it was ‘too cute to be mine’. I cant even begin to describe how proud I was at that moment.
Of course I could change my whole style but that wouldn’t be me anymore, would it?
Parents play a huge and important role on how their kinds react to art in general. Sharing knowledge with your kids can never be dead time. Explaining things about art like mine or music, or drawings can transfer the message so much easier and simple to them. In order to do that, you, yourself must have already reached a level of consciousness and the ability to understand the self. In order to send a message you need to get it first. It is my goal and Revna’s, my wife, to rewrite the books ( the first one is almost ready) by showing more about the story behind every character. Finally, our plan is to turn this story to a video game and by doing that we will be able to reach younger people and that way we will deliver the message to them as well. They may receive it, meditate on it, understand it and if it is their destiny… let them spread it! If there is one way for all of us to come out of this global situation, it is by hearing our young people. They hold such knowledge, such power. They are literally my personal savior.
Thank you very much,
Argus Dorian
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If you had a chance to leave your cell, would you use every single cell you got to grab it?
I know, I would. As a matter of fact, I did. I had to. You see, ‘normal’ can be something totally different for you than what it is to me. And that’s okay. No judgment. Neither you or I can be sure which one is right.. and why should we?
I only care if you’re happy.. Are you happy?
Does it get too much sometimes? I know it does. The pressure consumes you, anxiety is a serious enemy. Your overthinking must be killing you. Unless you’re not an overthinker and you’re just practical… right? Where does your practice keep getting you? Do you get the results you’re craving? I hope you do.
Are you comfortable enough in your skin? In your clothes? In your family? Does your house feel like home?
Don’t answer to me. I don’t need to hear it. You do. They say, be careful of what you’re thinking because it is that one step before action. What are you thinking.. I wonder. No worries.
I will keep this secret of yours if you keep mine… come closer…
I know, I would. As a matter of fact, I did. I had to. You see, ‘normal’ can be something totally different for you than what it is to me. And that’s okay. No judgment. Neither you or I can be sure which one is right.. and why should we?
I only care if you’re happy.. Are you happy? Does it get too much sometimes? I know it does. The pressure consumes you, anxiety is a serious enemy. Your overthinking must be killing you. Unless you’re not an overthinker and you’re just practical… right? Where does your practice keep getting you? Do you get the results you’re craving? I hope you do.
Are you comfortable enough in your skin? In your clothes? In your family? Does your house feel like home? Don’t answer to me. I don’t need to hear it. You do. They say, be careful of what you’re thinking because it is that one step before action. What are you thinking.. I wonder. No worries.
I will keep this secret of yours if you keep mine… come closer…
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