Phase 01: The Beginning

The last tree is down. The last drop is poisoned. The virus is spreading.
Dead bodies wrapped in bags are gathered by the Scavengers who came to collect the deceased dead or alive. The separation from the families may hurt but we now experience a whole other lever of pain in the facilities.
The Director is experimenting on human bodies in the most disturbing and brutal ways to find the cure.
I wonder what she will find if anything. Oh! Can you imagine what would happen if we mix our DNA with the virus’s? rather… Unsettling.
Dead bodies wrapped in bags are gathered by the Scavengers who came to collect the deceased dead or alive. The separation from the families may hurt but we now experience a whole other lever of pain in the facilities.
The Director is experimenting on human bodies in the most disturbing and brutal ways to find the cure.
I wonder what she will find if anything. Oh! Can you imagine what would happen if we mix our DNA with the virus’s? rather… Unsettling.

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Children of tomorrow (Intro)
Wake up before it’s too late!
Statistically, in 2020 alone, about 13.800 children under the age of 5 years old died from a variety of causes every day. Can you imagine the number? Let me do the math for’s up to 5 million kids every year. The fact that nobody talks about it make me think.. why do I have to know everything there is to know about rich peoples lifestyle and nothing about what really matters. Where are the big companies now to give these kids a vaccine? These people make billions, why don’t they dedicate a bit of their income and time to the future of our world? It is beyond imagination that people in 2022 die from pneumonia, diarrhoea and malaria, along with preterm birth and intrapartum-related complication on ages under 5 years old. Furthermore, according to WHO’s statistical research, 1.7 millions of children are dying from the environmental contamination and that it just too much to handle. My brain cannot erase these can they erase our future? How can that not affect me in every way possible, being a proud father of 3 children and seeing uncertainty in their eyes?
Childhood is long gone now, children are bombed with useless informations every single day and under major pressure from school and society with no purpose to serve other than what their parents and then teachers and then bosses will give them.
Locked in a house, with nothing but a cellphone, no fantasy to work with, no curiosity to be moved by, no adventure to go for.. just no’s and must’s. And all that for what? Safety? In order to keep your child safe, you mute it and keep it in a cage made of glass? No matter if everyone does it, does it make it okay? Or is it a proper example for you to follow? What happened to : if I tell you to go jump off a cliff because everyone does it, will you do it? Did you even grow up like this..? Because if you did, I am so very sorry..if you didn’t.. you remember. You had the privilege of playing outside till the sun goes down, of getting hurt, of making clouds your very own characters in your story, of making ‘salads’ using rocks and flowers and herbs and grass. You were painting, and were dreaming. You were living and your kids deserve the same if not more.
You will ask me why do I talk about this? What’s the connection this matter has with my art..
My art is about the thoughts that terrify me during day and night about the future.
The uncertain future for your kids.
Sometimes, I wonder.. how do they achieve such brain-wash? It’s the media, of course. We all know that. The adds, yes. This one too. The news definitely takes a place in it. What else is there..? Please, if you know something more..let me know! We need to share our thoughts on it. We can help each other. They are keeping us away from the truth, nobody can deny it. They feed us lies..only to keep us under control. You have no time to think about what you truly want, about who you are and what you can do when you only live on survival mode. They know it..
Nobody cares for our children and we teach them the autopilot where they make virtual friends in virtual worlds, thinking that likes and views can determine their worth and status. Our children go to therapists since the age of seven, they are depressed because the think low of themselves. Not worthy enough, no beautiful enough, not skinny enough, not cute enough, not smart enough.
Kids hold no respect towards their parents nor their friends. They swear, and disrespect anything different or out of ordinary.
Different sex? – you’re too weak for a man/ you’re too strong for a woman.
Different age? – you’re older, you can’t understand my generation/ you’re younger, you can’t understand my generation.
Different colour? – you’re black, your hair is messy/ you’re yellow, your eyes are weird. / you’re white, you look like a corpse.
Where is the unity?.. We used to be deeply connected to nature, animals, the sky..the sun and the moon but most importantly we were connected to each other. We all came through the same source anyway!
There’s a director behind the scenes that we all know her existence but nobody seems to bother by the fact that her plan is actually working! Millions of lives.. children’s lives..
I’m trying here.. i’m trying my best..
Please! Wake up!
Design by Argus Dorian | Dark Cyberpunk Artist
Story by Revna Dorian & Argus Dorian
© Decaydead | Argus Dorian
Wrapped in Guilt
We don’t care about humans anymore
Dead bodies are all over the place.
Infected corpses are treated no better than garbage. Wrapped in plastic bags, the scavengers have no guilt while throwing the dead bodies in the sidewalk. Scavengers were once the personalisation of hope, gathering infected people who still had a chance to live and be saved in the facilities to cure them.
As the time has passed and solution or cure is nowhere to be found, men and women start blaming the government for taking away their family members with no guarantee they will ever see them again.
Experiments needed to be done, so all can be free and safe..
Elite knows better, I guess.
What kind of guilt trapped you, my dearest? What makes your breath go heavy just by thinking of it?
Model @kohona_felis
Design by Argus Dorian | Dark Cyberpunk Artist
Story by Revna Dorian & Argus Dorian
© Decaydead | Argus Dorian
No value in life
Most of the Scavengers are basically soldiers but men who have been jailed on murder charges can definitely join as well.
Besides from the fact that they see no value in life itself, we must accept help from whoever wants to assist humanity and the great cause to find the cure. When we think of soldiers, the first thing that comes to mind is protectors. They are here to fight for us, to save us. Forever ready to give up their life for the citizens.
Now, prisoners are under specific instructions and of course under the supervision of experienced soldiers who have served their country for years with bravery and self-reliance. Scavengers are the protectors, says the elite. Strong men, huge in size, brave and unstoppable. We must follow their lead without questioning their ways or actions.
Furthermore, they have every right to act accordingly, which means they can use violence, if they see fit. So please… keep it low and stay put. They know what to do…
What is it that you would protect most? Your job and reputation or your dignity as human being?.. Would you help in the same way or would you continue playing your role in this mascarade?
Design by Argus Dorian | Dark Cyberpunk Artist
Story by Revna Dorian & Argus Dorian
© Decaydead | Argus Dorian
People are screaming, crying on the streets
They took people away from their families.
It is easier for grown ups to understand the reasons of such separation. After all, all they wanted was the cure so they could go back to their homes. But its not the same for children. In some cases, it was the kids who had to be removed from their houses by force and in others it was the parents. Moving to a different city can cause trauma on both sided, let alone leaving with no reassurance of ever returning.
People are screaming, crying on the streets, begging the scavengers to not take their family members away. They were calling the names of those taken by the soldiers while children who have already gone to the facilities are held by strangers to feel some short of security. Holding a hand, no matter if its a stranger or a friend under such circumstances, can provide safety… especially when guns are pointed towards you.
They were all now gathered in a room with no windows, or doors except one that was heavily guarded. Some are coughing, others with fever… just a small groups acting normal. All standing in the room, surrounded by armed soldiers, grownup just as scared as the kinds. I can almost hear their screams, i still shivering.
You are so lucky, you never experienced such terror… or did you? When was the last time you felt threatened, unable to think or act? What kind of ‘guns’ were pointed at you? And most importantly… how did you manage to escape?
Design by Argus Dorian | Dark Cyberpunk Artist
Story by Revna Dorian & Argus Dorian
© Decaydead | Argus Dorian

It’s still alive
It was my nightmare… now it’s yours too
We all knew that the road to the cure would be long and difficult.
We never thought that it would require us to be enslaved by doctors who want to do experiments on us. Infected people of all ages, men, women and children are now subjects to work on. Its not the fact that doctors need us to solve the riddle… It is the way they do it that makes us want to run away.
How would you feel if someone comes to you promising that you won’t feel a thing and then suddenly gives you an anesthetic injection to make sure that you can not move any part of your body except your eyes?… While taking your inside parts away from your body, hanging them on top of you? Examining your liver by holding it on their hands?… Your lugs, your intestines… Imagine the emptiness you’d feel.
It was my nightmare… now it’s yours too.
Design by Argus Dorian | Dark Cyberpunk Artist
Story by Revna Dorian & Argus Dorian
© Decaydead | Argus Dorian
Project: Cyriss X
All civilization is lost
Project: Cyriss X. All civilization is lost and the remaining humans are hiding in underground facilities and ruined cities.
People are hunted down and captured from all over the world, dragged into secret facilities where terrible experiments are made on them. The elite lied! They said we will be safe but instead they sealed out fate by upgrading us!
We are manufactured and transformed into Assassins.
Design by Argus Dorian | Dark Cyberpunk Artist
Story by Revna Dorian & Argus Dorian
© Decaydead | Argus Dorian
Project: Cyriss X (pt2)
All civilization is lost
It is impossible for humans to survive on the surface with radiation that high in number. The virus gifted us with no immune system, our bodies fail to fight any kind of virus. Death is possible just by a common cold.
They had this plan from the beginning?
Promising us freedom and safety when all we have now is missing body parts. They said they will give us new parts and we believed them. Now we are mostly machine. Wish us luck.
Design by Argus Dorian | Dark Cyberpunk Artist
Story by Revna Dorian & Argus Dorian
© Decaydead | Argus Dorian
Production Line
People dismembered.. suffering
Grounders are collected with a promise that the elite will provide shelter to them and a better chance of survival in the underground facilities.. but the reality was different.. And the Gathering begun.
People dismembered… suffering. People hanging like raw meat in a slaughter house… slowly loosing themselves while transforming into something else. Imagine wanted to die and not being able to because there are so many cables connected through out your body.
The Director is watching her experiments take place and doesn’t care if they scream in suffering and pain. Parts of their bodies are now replaced with mechanical parts to see if the human body accepts them. Many died from toxins that were carried through the bloodstream to their entire body, sepsis for example… which is the outcome from touching, let alone implant, rusted metals.
All projects were left hanging in the basements of the underground facilities for future experiments and for parts. They didn’t care about human life. They just care for their own survival… like they always do..
The project “AMYNTA” – Research for bio mechanical Assassin creation had begun.
Model @tamar.sandoval
Design by Argus Dorian | Dark Cyberpunk Artist
Story by Revna Dorian & Argus Dorian
© Decaydead | Argus Dorian
Silent Screams
Cut in half and yet alive
The ultimate goal is to build the perfect soldier, even if it means that most rooms in the facility will be turned into graveyards full of creatures reminiscent of human beings.
Cut in half and yet alive.
Missing legs and arms and yet able to move back and forth. Suffering in there, unable to break free or die. Their screams still keep me awake at night.
Director injected the virus inside them altering their DNA to make them stronger, more violent. There is no humanity left in them now. Maybe the Director feels better now, not being the only one who has no humanity.
People tend to feel safer in a familiar environment. What’s your safe space? Is it really where you want to live in or are you simply afraid of taking the risk to actually find your inner peace in someplace away? Are you really happy, where you are? And it might no be the place… but the people surrounding you.
I’m sure they love you and care about you… and they respect your boundaries and they truly hear you when you say no. I’m sure they don’t judge you, or mistreating you, or want to change you. Right?
Design by Argus Dorian | Dark Cyberpunk Artist
Story by Revna Dorian & Argus Dorian
© Decaydead | Argus Dorian
Soon we will be Born to Suffer
We “protect” them
Too many lost their life during the procedures. Now it is time for the babies to take part in this investigation on the ‘cure’.
The director thinks that the subjects she already has in the facilities might be too old to survive so the only solution is to try another age group. The doctors gathered every pregnant woman in the lobby to ‘protect ‘ them and their children. This statement couldn’t be furtherer from the truth. It was just another step to start the AMYNTA project.
I found something interesting recently, an article that had this exact topic up front. it goes:
When the Chinese researchers first edited the genes of a human embryo in a lab dish in 2015, it sparked global outcry and pleas from scientists not to make a baby using the technology, at least for the present. It was the invention of a powerful gene-editing tool, CRISPR, which is cheap and easy to deploy, that made the birth of humans genetically modified in an in vitro fertilisation (IVF) center a theoretical possibility.
What a terrifying thought. Right..? What’s even more terrifying is the fact that this story is not that different from what really happens out there. When do you think it’s the right time to do something about it?
Design by Argus Dorian | Dark Cyberpunk Artist
Story by Revna Dorian & Argus Dorian
© Decaydead | Argus Dorian
Project: Amynta
The first Assassin
Finally! Director’s prayers worked! Her first project is almost ready.
The first assassin, an upgraded humanoid ready to go out and on the polluted surface to gather new subjects and hunt a new mutant species that appeared because of the virus, the Hunters.
They are no different than wild animals, always hungry and ready to die.
Amynta is the only one who can defeat them. She is stronger than any other being on this planet. She is our hope to get back to our lives and our homes. How funny, we all need a saviour in the end of our suffering. Something to come up and remind us that we should never give up.
Who is your saviour if there’s any? Or maybe, you’re the saviour for others in your life. don’t deny it without considering about it first. Sometimes, it is possible that we might have the ability to help others even if we don’t know it.
Remember when you offered food or money to this homeless person you saw down the street?
Remember when you has something nice to say to this lady in the shop? how beautiful she looks in this dress..
Or the time when you saw this girl with the crazy hair and you just smiled at her? Remember her smile?
Remember when your phone rang and it was your friend who really really needed you to come over?
I’m sure you’re a saviour in someone’s story. But who is the saviour in yours? You don’t need to tell me that if you don’t want to. At least say it to yourself and never forget the answer. And if it is you.. if you are your saviour just consider what kind of power you have. You must be even stronger than AMYNDA.
Photo by: @flexdreamscom
Design by Argus Dorian | Dark Cyberpunk Artist
Story by Revna Dorian & Argus Dorian
© Decaydead | Argus Dorian

Hunters.. they evolve..
The world is changing
A hybrid hunter evolution
The world is changing, the infection spreads rapidly and it changes us instantly..
Amelia is drawing in her room. How she loves to draw. Amelia is so proud of her art that she calls her mother to see it. Mother was in the kitchen preparing dinner, last time Amelia saw her but now there’s not a single sound coming out from that room. She called again..’’Mommy?…”.
Scratching sound coming closer…
Amelia looks at the door where she sees her mother standing, but something is different on her. Her hands are bloody, her skin is pale and her eyes.. oh her eyes.. full of hatred and bloodlust. This thing is not her mother. Not anymore.
Amelia was a good kid. Polite and nice to everyone. The Mother left the door open when she run away. Amelia’s body parts are everywhere in her room.
Her drawings are now soaked in blood and guts. It’s insane if you think what teeth can do. Once her mother bite Amelia’s neck, the game was already over. Now dogs are feeding of her. I think Amelia wouldn’t have a problem with that. She always knew how to share. Such a good kid…
Design by Argus Dorian | Dark Cyberpunk Artist
Story by Revna Dorian & Argus Dorian
© Decaydead | Argus Dorian
Their death.. it’s just a beginning
We don’t care about humans anymore
Nature always finds new ways to fight back humanity and this time nature decided that the virus should mutated some hunters… Evolving them into a new breed.
The virus increased the human abilities in them while rejecting others. The first hybrids were born. Some of them were captured by the director who has now a new toy to play with. They took one creature and put it on the operation table. The doctors start cutting it wide open while it was watching them not able of moving at all. They are extracting its organs to examine how the creature has involved during the mutation. The hybrid knew, still having human intelligence, that the director is about to use this new breed as a weapon.
During human history, it has been proved many times that humans tend to use technology or new discoveries to create new weapons instead of using it to make the worlds a better place. A man who only knows how to use a hammer, sees everything as nails.
Tell me, what’s your favourite tool to use when you’re in distress? What’s the one thing that can fix all your problems?
Design by Argus Dorian | Dark Cyberpunk Artist
Story by Revna Dorian & Argus Dorian
© Decaydead | Argus Dorian
Dying Souls [mind control]
Remove every sense of free will
The director has everything she needs to complete her task.
The subjects, the scavengers, the doctors and endless human samples to examine. The problem is, how to make her experiments controllable? How to remove every sense of free will, capability of thinking and making decisions or even feeling emotions?
All she needs is perfect soldiers who exist just to follow her orders and kill her enemies. The doctors managed to manipulate our brain by implanting whatever they wanted into a new biomechanical brain.
To achieve such high goal, the doctors used hundreds of subjects, adults and kids for it would be much easier for them to adapt and service the procedure. The elite needs Assassins.
Do you feel like yourself lately?
If an experiment did take place on you, would you be able to recognise the difference in you? Brainwashing comes in variety of ways. Operating tables might be just one way but i can insure you.. it’s not the only one.
Photo by: @twenty_cent_light
Design by Argus Dorian | Dark Cyberpunk Artist
Story by Revna Dorian & Argus Dorian
© Decaydead | Argus Dorian