Phase 01: The Beginning – pt3

They evolve.. They wake up.. They start their Revolution!
The advent of hybrid assassins marked a new era, unleashing a revolution against humanity. These genetically engineered warriors were deadlier, faster, and more cunning than any human could ever be. Their enhanced abilities made them ideal for taking down targets with razor-sharp precision.
They were the perfect killing machines, and their existence signaled a new age of terror. Fear was the dominant emotion, and the future seemed bleak as the hybrid assassins struck down their human targets with ruthless efficiency. A new power had emerged, and it was one that would not be contained easily.
The advent of hybrid assassins marked a new era, unleashing a revolution against humanity. These genetically engineered warriors were deadlier, faster, and more cunning than any human could ever be. Their enhanced abilities made them ideal for taking down targets with razor-sharp precision.
They were the perfect killing machines, and their existence signaled a new age of terror. Fear was the dominant emotion, and the future seemed bleak as the hybrid assassins struck down their human targets with ruthless efficiency. A new power had emerged, and it was one that would not be contained easily.

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Underwater threat
The land looks like the landscape of a psychopath’s nightmare. Under those circumstances you can’t really be sure of where the horizon lays.
The sky is black, the ground is black. Despite of the situation, sometimes if I close my eyes and try really hard I can almost feel the gentle touch of the sea breeze on my face. If i try really hard, especially when I’m desperate, I can hear the waves crashing on rocks. I’m not the only one who loves the sea tho. There are many people who built underwater facilities in order to stay away from this hell for as long as possible. Amphitrite’s mission is to find them and destroy them.
The Director mixed sea creatures DNA with human’s DNA since the whole plan is to be able to move underwater as easy as it can get. They took samples from Elina’s DNA and some of the most dangerous underwater spices, venom from Chironex Fleckeri (Sea Wasp), making her skin untouchable, since the venom causes extreme pain and excruciating burning sensations and death, ability to adapt to environment like the octopus, camouflage herself so she become almost invisible, speed and skin strength from Mako shark and a lot of advantages from Elina herself.
Unlike any other creature, Amphitrite cannot walk on earth at all. You see, her legs are more like blades than actual legs. Pointy and all. Beautiful but very impractical to more on the surface. Besides, why would she even care about that? Amphitrite is Directors latest creation and it’s based on Elina so every ability Elina has, is automatically Amphitrite’s as well. Besides walking, of course. Blades, vision, strength… you name it. Nothing is perfect tho, can you disagree?
Amphitrite behaves… differently than the others.
She, of course, as every other creature went through mind control operation but quite conversely it didn’t work. Therefore, Amphitrite has her very own consciousness. She rebelled and never looked back. Her plan was to take over a water facility and make it her fortress and so one day, during her mission she took the chip off of her head and destroyed it. The director knew, as soon as she didn’t get any response of her creation, that she lost in her own field.
The mind is a powerful tool, nobody can deny that. It would be even more powerful if we knew how to use it right, wouldn’t it? Escape from a prison that some people names home, family, circle… is a step to fully activate your brain and whenever you feel desperate or lonely… please try and remember the sun on your face, the sound of the waves… the salty air. If you try hard enough, you will manage to even get where your heart finds peace and when you achieve such goal, never come back.
Model @kohona_felis
Design by Argus Dorian | Dark Cyberpunk Artist
Story by Revna Dorian & Argus Dorian
© Decaydead | Argus Dorian
The Judge of Death – Part 01
Since the beginning of creation, humans tend to feel anxious during night. As we all know and none can deny, it was the time when predators come out to hunt. It’s no different now, believe me. Night time is cursed to be the most beautiful and yet tremendous time no matter how short or long it might be. Everything goes silent. Peaceful, if you think about it. Scary if you dare to walk alone. The doors opened and I bet every creature heard the loud noice.
The smell of death and decay entered the hall he’s standing.
We are now in an old underground train station that is also the secret exit of the underground facility. Τhe Director cannot risk it again.. She needs her experiments under supervision and that’s exactly what she’s doing from the control room.. Observing.. Watching her newest creation: Aeacus.. like a soldier in his shiny armour. Such an amazing creature. Loyal and trustworthy as a dog. No questions asked, no thoughts of his own. A true soldier or maybe we should say the Director’s new pet.
He looks around inspecting and all he can see is dead bodies decaying around.. a dead world.. a world that humans destroyed with they foolish actions.
Toxic environment.. Mutated people turning into Hunters right before his eyes. Despite all dangers, ha has a mission to accomplish. Aeacus must eliminate all hybrids created by Amphitrite who flooded an underwater facility to have her own place to create her army.
He walked through the station, looking the dead bodies around him.
How fascinating.. how the human flesh has so many layers and all of them disposable. He noticed that some of them are half eaten and still fresh and that’s when he realised. There is a hunter near by.. Aeacus despite the fact that he is basically a killing machine, he can feel threatened. In fact he’s designed to do so. As soon as he steps out from the station scanning the territory, Aeacus hears a sweet young voice..
“I want to play with you, she says. Can i play with you? You’re not a monster, are you?”
He immediately turns around. His sensors located a small figure looking at him from a shadowed corner. It is a little girl who sounds happier than she should but Aeacus can’t tell the difference. For him, she is just another being and the odds are against her. He activates his weapons and locks them on her, just in case. Now his blades are out for everyone to see how majestic this experiment is. The director is so proud, no words can describe, she really took her time while making him. So precise like a living master mind computer, so dangerous like no other. Head to toes.. perfection.
Model @juliangiovannetti
Photographer: @pablotesoriere
Design by Argus Dorian | Dark Cyberpunk Artist
Story by Revna Dorian & Argus Dorian
© Decaydead | Argus Dorian
The Judge of Death – Part 02
Aeacus may not be a human but he can tell when someone plays games, therefore he approaches her just to come to the conclusion that she is in fact a hunter.
This hunter picked the wrong opponent. She tried to make him let his guards down by normal and super adorable human interaction without realising he’s everything but human. Aeacus noted the fact that hunters use their victim’s voice to attract more victims and the director got the information in seconds. Valuable information, if you ask me.
The girl starts screaming and running towards him while splitting virus. In other words she tried her best, making her every ability known. Lame move. Virus can’t affect him, toxic saliva can’t harm him.. poor hunter.
Last thing she saw was Aeacus’s blade and after that, her eyes stopped moving but her face didn’t change a bit. His first victim. He took her head and nailed it to a wood next to the station entrance as a trophy and after that he took some blood and tissue samples form her body and continued his mission. Her dress is covering her dead body and it’s still kind of moving.. shaking. A cute green dress, it was.. Despite the damage you can still see the ‘happy birthday, Kelly’ written on her white velvet belt. I’ve heard that it is more likely for someone to die on a date close to one’s birthday than any other day.
What do you think?
An innocent girl turned into a hunter on her birthday, unless the hunter changed outfit because it didn’t like green which scenario I doubt. It makes you think.. how many kids died the past year or the year before. No one knows because no one counts. No one cares.
Unfortunately, people tend to ignore what is happening when they can’t see it. It must happen to your family to take action and finally do something about it? It may not be Aeacus and his blade but you remember on the news..?
This sick guy used his ‘weapon’ on a little girl and she died. The unspeakable actions are keep on happening just not in your house. You’re right.. there’s not much you can do but at least raise your children to respect ‘no’ as an answer. No means no, it doesn’t mean yes or even maybe. No means back off. No is a full sentence. No explanation needed. Raise your boys and your girls to respect themselves before it’s too late.
Children nowadays have access to anything they want.. they are smarter than you and me. Acknowledge their superiority and guide them properly.. you know how. Only you know how.
Model @juliangiovannetti
Photographer: @pablotesoriere
Design by Argus Dorian | Dark Cyberpunk Artist
Story by Revna Dorian & Argus Dorian
© Decaydead | Argus Dorian
Can I play with you?
The fear of evolution
The evolution of species is something natural and necessary, if not essential.
It is their instinct that tells them that now the time has come for them to transform into a more secure and more powerful being. The transformation can last for hundreds of years, no doubt, and the changes are not even visible at first..unless.. we gather informations from ancients species to compare them to.
According to my research, hunters’s transformation is more than clear for everyone to see within a few months.
At first, it was the emotional functioning that had changed. Normal people turned into humanlike beasts driven by their hunger and the satisfaction of causing pain. Correct me if I’m wrong, but I remember sharing a story based on this fact sometime ago. Maybe more.. I couldn’t say for certain. We have lost the count of days here. It was about a little girl and its mother.. does it ring any bell? A few years ago, it was known that hunters can mimic human voices but it wasn’t since last week, or so, that we came across a hunter who looked exactly like a little girl! We found it’s head on a stick. Can you imagine what this will do to us?
It’s easier than ever for them now to pretend that they are one of us without us even realising. How can you tell a little girl from a murderer? Seeing a child crying and screaming for its mother, in the ruins of out city..wouldn’t you go to help?
It’s a child and its hurt, scared.. most likely dead soon..wouldn’t you rescue it?
Human race might have done terrible things against nature and each other but our humanity always kicks in at some point. It makes you think, really.. our cruelty has brought us to the point where our sensitivity and humanity turns against us. The one thing that used to make us proud for having.. the only difference we have from animals, our humanity.. what a shame to witness such blessing turning into a curse.
If it is an unknown child, you might had the lack of heart to help it. What if it is yours..? Would you hold it in your arms for the last time till it tears you apart or till you kill it?
The world had changed and so did we.
Design by Argus Dorian | Dark Cyberpunk Artist
Story by Revna Dorian & Argus Dorian
© Decaydead | Argus Dorian
The evolution
That’s a clean image, won’t you agree? You should see what’s around the corner. A whole room, looking more like a cemetery, full with bodies one to top of the other. Half-life experiments wrapped in chains are hanging from the celling like animals ready to be sold. Some of them are screaming from the pains of their dissolved flesh, begging to die when others have not even the strength to feel pain anymore. The corpses either rotting in piles or they are used to feed other experiments. embryos, children, teens, adults.. all thrown right next to the living ones. Can you imagine? Only by remembering this room, I shiver. If horror had a face it would be a summation of all beings in there. Dark age was a bliss compared to the tortures people have gone through in this place, and keep in mind that they can’t even die.
Director plays God again, or trying to play with Him anyway.
She came to the conclusion that her scientists can’t achieve perfection under those circumstances. Not from these samples. It is only logical, if you think about it actually. The human brain carries memories which information is equally important to the fact that their bodies wouldn’t accept all implants that the doctors had in store for them. Sooner or later all experiments other than Elina, tend to discard the foreign objects inserted in them. As if this is not inconvenient enough, the subjects can quite easily go crazy. They stop obeying.. Stop following Director’s instructions which only gets us to the conclusion that the brainwash is beyond needed way more often than it used to be.
The director had an idea, once again. The transformation, the adjustments must take place during the embryonic stage. The virus and the DNA transformation must happen in the womb. The project started at once. Pregnant women are already traumatised by the whole new order in the world. Unsure of all they once knew, scared of what might happen to them while carrying their children or to their babies once they are born. Wouldn’t you have the same worry in your head?
Pregnancy is a miracle and no doubt, one that we should celebrate but not any time is the right time.
Not every woman is ready. Just accept that some women prefer not to have children. There are many valid reasons for her to deny such situation. Some are young, students still. Others can’t imagine themselves mothers. They don’t want this kind of responsibility in their life or work won’t allow them to carry babies. And yes, for some women work is everything. The most important thing in fact.
We are in no place to judge and look down on someone we know nothing about. Not only strangers but especially to our friends and family.. the closest people in our life. It is non of your business to criticise and judge what I do in my bedroom or with who I want to do it. For some sick minds it is right for a woman to carry the child of her abuser, or rapist. She must give birth to it no matter what while the ‘man’ who did it won’t take any responsibility for the action.
Its always the woman’s fault, isn’t it?
She shouldn’t have opened her legs if she didn’t want a baby. At the same time, men can have sex with anyone they want because men will always be men and they have needs. Where are they when they asked to pay for child support? They run. So much of a man. Pay the mothers for child support from the moment the pregnancy is confirmed. You don’t want to raise your child with her? Pay for her hospital and her exams. Pay so she can finish school..
Oh you don’t want this kind of responsibility because you already have a family and you cheated your wife with another woman and now you’re scared if she founds out? You should have never cheated in the first place. you’re irresponsible and a disgrace to your family. Is your mama proud? Oh you don’t feel becoming a father yet? You’re too young? You should have known how to use a condom or pull out at the right time. Oh you still study? Why don’t you take the baby with you at school just like many teen mothers usually do? You don’t have a job? Go get one. You didn’t mean to..? You should’ve been more careful on where you finish. You don’t like that? Too bad.
That’s exactly what you put women to go through with your sadistic little mind.
Design by Argus Dorian | Dark Cyberpunk Artist
Story by Revna Dorian & Argus Dorian
© Decaydead | Argus Dorian