In a dystopian world ravaged by a virus that mutates humans into monstrous Hunters, Julian, an elite commando known for his brutal efficiency and unwavering loyalty, is selected by the ruthless Director for a horrifying transformation. Tasked with capturing infected civilians under the guise of "safety," Julian obeys without question. But when a key experiment, Amphitrite, rebels, the Director’s desperation leads her to commission a monstrous fusion of biology and technology - a mind she can fully control. She selects Julian, stripping away his humanity through a grotesque, nightmarish surgery, replacing his organs and brain with cybernetics, weaponized implants, and an artificial, programmable mind. Reborn as Aeacus, a merciless enforcer designed to annihilate all threats, he becomes the Director’s ultimate weapon, a soulless, relentless force set to hunt down her enemies, beginning with the escaped Amphitrite. Julian is dead; in his place stands Aeacus - a living weapon of flesh, metal, and darkness.